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Total management of industrial robots

Vibration and noise of industrial robots occur in the part of the wrist where the power transmission system is complicated.
As the load increases, the load is applied to the gears constituting the robot's wrist axis. These vibrations and noises have high value, and coincide with the resonance frequency of axial system and gear mesh frequency(GMF), which means the power transmission system.
In order to reduce the noise and vibration of industrial robots, the gear mesh frequency component and the shaft system should be managed to avoid natural frequencies.

- Cost reduction by replacing experts.
- Extension of lifespan by reducing noise and vibration of robots.
- Improving product reliability by reducing robot parts wear.
How we use

Through the ExRBM solution, vibration data of these robot facilities can be controlled and analyzed to reduce losses due to excessive use and part wear. In addition, the robot's natural frequency and bearing faults frequency can be automatically calculated to diagnose and manage the facility without experts.